Our Vision
The British Creative Industries are world renown for their wealth of talent and emerging artists. As the world changes, I believe that the concepts which students of all subjects can gain from performance will be required more than ever before.
As a child born in the North of England, I was lucky enough to have a local armature dance and drama group. I became qualified in LAMDA, RAD ballet and IDTA Tap dancing.
From the age of 9 - 13, myself and a good friend would carol sing in the street every Christmas for 6 weeks, which would help to finance 50% of my annual dance and acting classes. We were out every winter in the city centres of Nottingham, Sheffield and Manchester singing in our best angelic voices and then going to McDonalds to split sit down, eat a burger and split the change we made.
As a child, I would perform in Sheffield Theatres Productions and briefly spend some time on the West End in an ensemble role in 'Oliver!'.
When I was 12, my training required a higher level of the local skill so I would have to travel hours on the train (occasionally in a toilet when I couldn't afford a full ticket!) to London. I would do this alone and it brought a level of risk and heavy economic expenses to my parents who helped out and the caroling money.
With IBTS I wanted to ensure that no child need travel more than 45 minutes from their home for London quality training.
After secondary school, I spent 2 years in Istanbul as a Theatre Director and 9 months in Italy as an English & Drama teacher. I realized that it could be possible for the actors simply to go to the students instead of the students going to the actors. This would make quality training far more accessible, cheaper and safer for students.
Whilst studying Languages at the University of Sheffield, I decided to start the theatre company on the side as a project. I did not, however, expect the huge demand for training that students all over Europe and the UK were looking for, with our team now teaching in 22 various locations around the year.
Since its founding in 2018, the 16 teachers at the Int. British Theatre School now teach over 1500 students every year in more than 25 locations.
Junior Camps are designed to teach children critical 'soft-skills' to communicate effectively in life. The students perform on stage in-front of a live audience so that they can master their confidence in front of a crowd.
In Senior Courses, we aim teach students who are considering a career path in theatre or film the skills and benefits which training can provide.
Senior course students take away a headshot and showreel during any camp which can be used to apply for representation by an Agent or forwarded to Casting Directors.
- Ben Whiteside
Company Director
Our team
Click the profiles below to view the full resumes of our team.

Our Core Values
We will teach your children how to think not what to think
We want to teach children to be prepared for the challenges life will bring. Self-belief, courage and humility are subject matters which we want to help students discover with in themselves.
We prepare students to become leaders who can listen.
We only teach within the discipline of performing arts, students outlook on things like politics and life choices are for them to decide.
We are on a mission to improve the self-confidence, social skills and performance abilities of children across the world through theatre and performance.
We are a small team of actors and child care workers who work in the performance industry. When we are not performing, we try to bring professional acting training students across the world!
Parents can feel content with a safe and productive form of child care in the holidays as we aim to build children's confidence and public speaking skills as well as provide a safe environment for them to spend their school holidays.
We aim to supervise a secure environment for children of all levels of their performing abilities and foster an inclusive attitude between children within the camps.
We are an OFSTED registered company and adhere to UK safeguarding standards.
See our Policies for more information.